What the Heck Do I Write? | Photographer Blog Help

Oh man. Photographer blog help is such a freakin’ loaded topic.

Let me say first off that I am NOT a copy (word) queen. I don’t teach it, and while I can write fairly well, it is not my primary strength.

I can tell you though – the reason I can write the way I do, is that feelings ARE my strength.

I’m an empath, and an ENFP. If you don’t know what those things mean, Google is your friend and will show you just how nutso I can be at times.

I have feelings coming out of every pore on my body. I’m highly emotional, and feel others’ emotions too, which can be a strength, but also a burden.

It can be really, really hard to be an emotional and sensitive person.

BUT – this also helps me really empathize with my clients, which benefits me when it comes to writing, and I’m happy to offer a little bit of Photographer Blog Help.

I asked some photographers today about their struggles in writing for their business, because of how it relates to a project I’m working on, and while helping them hone their copy, I realized one thing over and over again.

So many of us want to address the details, and make sure the logical side of things is completely spelled out. And this is IMPORTANT – but not the first and most important thing you need to do, when it comes to writing and your copy.

PS – I keep using the word copy – it basically means the text that is in your website, your marketing materials, and everything you put out into the world. Social media, website, email newsletters – all of it!

Back to it.

So when you sit down to write and the logical side of your clients’ brains isn’t the first priority, what the heck is? WHAT DO I WRITE, BROOKE?!

Here it is, a Photographer Blog Help truth bomb: Write to your clients’ hearts first, then address the brain.


What the heck does this mean?

Think about how your service or product will make them FEEL. Let’s look at some Photographer Blog Help real world situations and suggestions.

If you are a family portrait photographer – paint the picture of not only your service, but the alternative. Do they want to schlep the family to a mall all pissed off and arguing for a photo, or do they want a custom session that is relaxed and fun? If you are a wedding photographer – use words to paint the picture of both options – do they want a wedding photographer that is overbearing and controls everything, or do they want someone that fits into the day naturally?

Think about what sets you apart, what makes you different – and then think about the opposite of that.

If you don’t know those things, that’s a whole different article. 😉

Really hone in on this, and think about the different experiences. What do they look like, what do they feel like? What does everyone involved feel, what are they thinking? And it doesn’t necessarily mean that one is bad, and one is great. There will be someone that is happy to take the family to the mall, BAM they’re done. They’re not your client.

Another thing to note when it comes to Photographer Blog Help: Paint the picture. Be Specific. What does it look like? What does it smell like? What is the stress level for everyone involved? Are they excited? Are they scared? Are they exhausted? Are they freaking out, trying to please everyone? Really go through this in your head, and paint the picture for your would-be clients. Show them the different options, and why you’re different, and make it super vivid – do not be vague. Walk them through the experience you offer, from an emotional perspective.

Let’s face it – you’re likely talking to women. Women are the primary spenders in the family, and usually the ones that hire photographers or other creative entrepreneurs. And typically, women purchase from their hearts, not logic.

So use your words to speak to your clients’ hearts first. The brain can be addressed afterwards – those details, and managing expectations are super important. But those details are also things that can be addressed after they’ve already decided that YOU are the one they want.

After all, once they really think about what you have to offer, that’s the only viable result, right? Hiring you?

I hope this article helped – I want to know what your biggest takeaways were! I’m not a copy queen, but happy to offer some photographer blog help, because your blog can be a HUGE asset when you are consistent and straightforward. Join the community, and let me know what you think, or ask questions and get some help! Click here to join.