WPPI Speakers 2020 – I’m On The List! | Photography Business Class

Well. The title “WPPI Speakers 2020 – I’m On The List! | Photography Business Class” kind of gives it away, right? So why do a blog post anyway, why does it matter, when WPPI has already shared the speaker list?

Because I want you to know what it took to get here.

Recently I asked a question in a photography group about revenue goals. And there were SO MANY amazing goals shared, with where we’re at, and what we’re looking to accomplish. Another photographer said that she was feeling a little discouraged about some of the numbers she was seeing, and we encouraged her not to compare her beginning to someone else’s middle. 

Here’s why.

  • In 2006, I did my first paid session. I made $20 for a senior session with my POINT AND SHOOT camera. YUP – I said it. I was SO EXCITED because hey, I was being paid to do what I loved, and seriously, I was a rockstar, right?
  • In 2007, I went through a painful divorce and was now a single mother, living with my mother, trying to figure out what the hell to do now. I loved taking photos, and got my first Sony DSLR, but I had to work full time to make ends meet and support my son.
  • In 2009, I met my husband, and I started doing more photography sessions. I left my full time job and did more and more with photography – including learning ALL the editing, and giving my clients all martian eyes. Because that looks professional right? My images were over processed and I was still making about $50 per session. Not per photo, per SESSION. 20+ hours of work for $50. NAILED IT. Then went BACK to full time work, because mama’s gotta pay the bills and let’s be real, $50 per session wasn’t cutting it.
  • In 2010, we got engaged, and moved into his parents’ basement to save for a wedding and a house.
  • In 2011, I was laid off as of the end of the year and went full time with photography. I found CreativeLive as a resource, and ordered my first two CreativeLive courses.
  • In 2012, I went to WPPI for the first time ever, my husband came with me, at the time he was shooting weddings with me. I went to a class and saw Sal Cincotta talk for the first time. I STILL have these notes, because this class affected me so much. He blew my mind and I would later buy ALL of his CreativeLive courses and learn SO MUCH from him, but that’s another post for another time. I decided that if I was going to make this full time photography business thing work, I needed to focus on BUSINESS instead of just learning the artistic side of photography.


In 2012, I started teaching a photography business class, and some non photography classes too like Pinterest, website help and SEO to local wedding professionals who really needed help. YUP – Pinterest in 2012, when it was still in BETA and I had to actually invite all of the attendees so they could have access. What can I say, I’m old.

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In May of 2012 after attending WPPI, I regret that I don’t remember where, but I went to a class where I was encouraged to write down some goals. I had goals before, but I had never actually written them OUT.

My goals included:
  • Buy a home
  • Meet Sue Bryce (LOVE YOU SUE)
  • Have $100k in sales
  • Have $50k income after taxes
  • Do mentoring & workshops
  • Teach a photography business class at WPPI & AD (After Dark)

I know some of you are probably looking at these goals and going REALLY Brooke, that’s it? And some of you are probably looking at those goals and going OMG that sounds like a terrifying list!

THE POINT IS – you are exactly where you are supposed to be, right now, for a reason. You are not behind. You are learning and moving forward in your business and life journey, and comparing yourself to someone else will only cause you more problems than it’s worth!

Now some of you may be asking – if you weren’t where you wanted to be in your photography business, why did you want to teach a photography business class at WPPI and AD?

Simple answer is – I have always been in a trainer or a teacher role, in every job I’ve ever had. I worked as a travel agent with specific specializations, and became a trainer. I worked as an IT professional for a school district, and became a trainer for the teachers. I have ALWAYS taken on the trainer role, because I love to teach and help others realize what they can do when they have the skills they need. I had already been teaching other wedding professionals, and I knew that I wanted to take those things further for more photographers.

SO – with all of this said, your next question might be, did you reach all of those goals?

YUP. Every single one on that list is done and done. And quite frankly, I didn’t know it at the time because I was at a different place in my journey, but those goals were way too small, and I needed to dream so much bigger. After Dark is no longer alive as a photography conference, but, it is with awesome humility and excitement that I share my big news…

I have been selected to teach a photography business class at WPPI 2020.


I feel like it has taken a little bit to really sink in. I was feeling a little discouraged after getting some other news, and then the email hit my inbox and I saw it late at night when I couldn’t sleep.


I have been processing the news, and it has finally started to hit me.

I am SO flippin’ excited to be a part of WPPI in 2020!

And because all news is better with gifs, take a second and get excited with me, k?

So if you’ve never been to WPPI, why the heck not?

WPPI 2020 will be in Las Vegas, Nevada, from February 23-27. There have been some years where I went to a TON of classes and packed my schedule full, and some years where I did the expo and let myself have a little more freedom. You can choose to do as much, or as little as you want.

As we get a little closer to the event, I will share which photography business class I will be teaching, and some updated tips and tricks.

If you’d like to read my original tips and tricks for attending WPPI, click here.

To my tribe and fellow photographers, thank you so much for sharing this journey with me. I have made some of my closest friends through this amazing business and journey, and you all mean so much to me. This is an honor, and I’m excited to share it with you!

Join me, and thousands of other amazing photographers, at WPPI in 2020. Do NOT be intimidated – everyone starts somewhere. It will be an experience to remember!

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