Email Marketing & Automation with Jenn Bruno Smith | Marketing for Photographers {Ep 023}

Hello, hello amazing business owners, creatives and artists! Welcome to another episode of Business Straight Up, the small business podcast for photographers and creatives to learn business skills to run a successful and sustainable business! Today we are going to talk about marketing for photographers and creatives – because I know how overwhelming it can be.

BELIEVE me, I feel you. Putting on your marketing hat and stepping away from your everyday craft that you love can be scary – but YOU CAN DO IT!

We have an amazing guest today. She is a stellar businesswoman with a boudoir studio Pennsylvania and she is joining us today to speak about email automation. Her name is Jenn Smith and we’re going to talk about all things having to do with email.

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As you know, one of the marketing for photographers and creatives skills that I teach is email marketing. I believe in it SO strongly. Email marketing and email automation can be grouped together but they’re not always the same thing. Sometimes the automation is going to booked clients. Sometimes they’re going to people that may not have necessarily booked with you yet and it’s important to know the difference and have these things segmented so that you’re not overwhelming your audience with information they don’t want or need. So, we are going to go to email automation in today’s podcast for photographers and creatives – and go over what to include, how to set it up and why the heck to use it.

I thought that I had a lot of email automation but Jenn just kills it when it comes to this. She has completely just overtaken the world with her email and does it in a way that leaves her clients feeling LOVED, served, and completely ready for anything!

Jenn and I are also going to talk about marketing strategy, and that ever-elusive skill that we ALL struggle with at some point – how to price your work.  We also talk about why it is NOT a bad thing to talk about your business and money, and the importance of marketing and being successful and profitable in running a business.

Because if you’re not bringing in revenue, you have an expensive hobby. OUCH. But true!

So, I can’t wait for you to hear this!

Key Topics

  • Effective email automation sequence for photographers
  • Awesome email marketing strategy that can help your photography business

Major Takeaways

  • Jenn’s story (3:57)
  • How talking about money has become a taboo topic in photography (5:04)
  • One thing that brought Jenn to the revenue level that she’s at (6:20)
  • The difference between email automation and email marketing (11:00)
  • Importance of email automation for contacts that have not booked with you yet (13:05)
  • Jenn’s email automation sequence (17:10)
  • How giving a deadline can be beneficial in booking clients (21:30)
  • Effective pre-session email sequence that helps in building a relationship with your client (23:00)
  • Changing your perspective on the subject of making a living (26:16)
  • Efficient post-session email sequence that gets you the reviews (27:10)
  • How showing the full pricing menu before a booking can be favorable to you (31:49)
  • Why it’s a good idea to set up an email sequence for clients that already had a session with you (35:54)
  • How email marketing enhanced Jenn’s brand (37:31)
  • Best piece of business advice that Jenn has received (39:35)

Now What?

If you loved this podcast for photographers and creatives episode, can you head on over to iTunes and leave a review? Marketing for photographers and creatives can be overwhelming and I want to make sure to give you the BEST information based on what you need! I know it takes a few minutes but I would really appreciate it. I want to impact the lives of the amazing students I work with, and your review will help me do that! Click here to visit the iTunes page!