Photographer Business Help – Spirit Movie & Purpose

Is there such a thing as a spirit movie? THERE SHOULD BE. If there isn’t, I hereby announce that it’s time to have a spirit movie.

And because I just returned from my trip to Scotland and Iceland, for this post, I am feeling particularly inspired from my travels to really look at my WHY. The reasons behind what I do!

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After all, if you can have a spirit animal, why not a movie that speaks to you?

When I think of the resources at my fingertips when it comes to Photographer business help, it is ironic that something that inspires me so much, is as simple as a movie.

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty – a movie from 2013 that did relatively well in the box office. It wasn’t a smash hit, but it didn’t fail either, kind of in between. I remember seeing the previews, and even though I couldn’t really put my finger on the WHY – I knew I wanted to see it. I also knew that it was something I HAD to see in the theater, on the big screen.

So the three of us went – myself, my husband, and my then 9 year old son.

And I left, in tears. Not the cute tears, like awww she is misty eyed. The ugly cry. The kind that makes you grateful that there’s a dark movie theater surrounding you so that the people you’re with won’t laugh at you too much.

It really, really hit me.

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If you haven’t seen the movie, definitely check it out – although there will be no spoilers in this post.

So many photographers jump into business because they like to take pictures. Cool. I get it. I like to take pictures too.

But WHY do you love it? What really makes your heart sing?

This is a question that often comes up with the photographers I mentor when we talk about specializing. Do you have to specialize? No, it’s not a requirement. But if there is one type of photography that you really love more than others – why the hell would you do something you don’t want to do?

What is the purpose of your business, what is your underlying why?

In the movie, the motto for the magazine is “To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of Life.” It’s kind of ironic that the last sentence states “that is the purpose of Life” – not only is life a standalone noun, but it is also the name of the magazine.

What is the purpose of what you do?

Ask yourself that question. And then be the annoying three year old – after every answer you give, ask yourself why?

I am a wedding photographer because I love capturing memories for people in love.
So they can look back on this day and remember being surrounded by friends and family.
So they are reminded of the importance of the people they care about in their lives.
Because their individual stories, their history, and their family are important.

See where I’m going? Keep going. Sit yourself down with a pen and paper – NO SCREENS – just a good old fashioned pen and paper, and set a timer for 15 minutes. Go through this over and over again for 15 minutes. If you do several types of photography, really nail down WHY you do what you do.

Yes, we all like to take photos. Yes, we all like to tell stories with our images. But WHY? What makes you different than the next photographer down the road that just got their DSLR? Your why. Your story. So what the heck is it?

Walter Mitty is a movie that I can watch over and over and over again. It is kind of dangerous though because it feeds my wanderlust – which can be good and bad. I call it my spirit movie. A movie that reminds me of my why, not only in my business, but in my family.

What is your purpose, why do you like to take pretty photos? Leave me a comment below, or email me and let me know. I would love to hear!