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 Free MasterClass:

Get Your First 500 Email Subscribers!

Coaches, creatives, & photographers: stop wondering how you're going to stay in business, and book your calendar full!

Space is limited, don't wait!

Rescheduled: Technical Issues Means REDO - Lucky You!

Email marketing is one of the TOP strategies I've used to get clients in my multiple six-figure photography studio, and it is FAR too often overlooked!

Let's be real - how many times have you said you're GOING to set it up, then you don't?

I am bringing back my most popular class all about email marketing. Best of all - it's FREE. If you can't attend live, a limited time replay will be sent after the class.

If you don't have the clients {and revenue} that you need to run your business and meet your biggest goals, this is for YOU.

It's time to make a good living doing what you love.

It's time to run a profitable business without working yourself into exhaustion.

It's time to reach the clients that are looking for you and WANT to work with you!

Want to Know More?

Ooh I like you. I want to know everything before saying YES too. Hey there! My name is Brooke and I love inspiring women to embrace their badassery. Yep, empowering women is my jam - whether through my boudoir photography, or in working with female business owners to grow a successful business for themselves! And yes, the guys are welcome too.

I've run a successful multiple six-figure studio for several years, and email marketing is one of the primary ways that I reach out to my tribe and keep my calendar FULL of sessions with my ideal clients. Want in? I can show you how, no fluff, no BS, just straight up help and education!

YES, Reserve My Spot!